Instant Sprite

Welcome to Instant Sprite, the fastest way for you to make CSS sprites.
All the work will be done in your browser, so don't worry about sending your images over the Internet.
If you feel lost or want more information about CSS sprites, see what are CSS sprites. Once you are ready, follow the instructions below to get started.
Loading, please wait...
You can drag and drop the images to change their order in the sprite.
      File Type:
      Right click the image to save it to your computer. Open image in a new window Get Optimized Image .
      You can use a RegExp object for capturing the file name.
      . { ... }
      This is a preview of your sprite using HTML/CSS and your image.

      Sorry, but your browser does not support the features necessary for Intant Sprite. Here is a list of browsers that let you use Instant Sprite:

      You can read more about why this doesn't work with your browser on the faq page. If you feel you have gotten this message in error, please leave me feedback telling me what browser / operating system you are using and I will look into it.

      - Thanks